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Watch your back Timothy, you have no idea who you fucked with. We're gonna show vagina you how us Americans take care of business. His info is below: TIMOTHY O'NEAL 95B HOBSONVILLE ROAD WEST HARBOUR AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND 1310 Phone: 09 441 1521 Email: -Goddamnit! How fucking hard is it to balance your Goddamn check book??? And how the hell do you bounce a mutherfucking $2.00 check??? FUCK! Okay, so you're an idiot, you bounced a $2 check, now be a fucking man and pay up! Unfortunately Brian vagina E. Gross is no vagina man, I guess its hard to be a man when your daddy dresses you in a pink party dress with pretty bows in your hair. Does Daddy's little girl take it in the ass? Do you swallow too Brian? Listen up you fucker, get out of that fucking dress, pull the tampon out of your ass, get the dick out of your mouth, learn to be a fucking man, and take care of your responsibilities.
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