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I feared a 6-hour chunk of screaming wean, but the kid was surprisingly quiet, watching her Barney incestgrrl DVDs and reading her Curious George books. This is a picture she drew of me. (Actually, the mother drew the head and body, and the girl added the glasses, incestgrrl beard and baseball cap) A pretty decent likeness! View from the 40th Floor groovy mother… posted a photo: Shot from the bar at the top of the Hyatt. San Diego really has the most dull featureless skyline! Three Roombas enter, One incestgrrl Roomba leaves groovy mother… posted a photo: Hardcore Three-way Roomba-on-Roomba Action. Blogs I Like Blowing Chunks Bonville’s Brain dsandler.org Happy Software Prole I am a verb. I Am The Lord of the Dance Settee LaughAtlantis Laughing Meme Like A Crusted Shipwreck Salvaged From The Deep: Yoz Grahame Mayhem & Chaos Blog Moronic Mayhem TC’s Ministry of Propaganda The Incrementalist The Saucepot Thiamin Trek vic wingedpig.com - Mark Fletcher’s Blog ericd.net
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