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On Wednesday, for example, we blogged about sex discrimination and same-sex marriage; terminology used in news reports about terror attacks; civil lawsuits; word puzzles; retiring sports announcers; supreme court nominations; restaurants near Toledo; legal brief formattting; and a couple of other topics. Here's my question: Do you like the mix? Or would you prefer if we divided the VC — either athena institute within the blog or by starting new spin-off blogs — so athena institute that there is more subject matter athena institute uniformity? This is an issue that comes up with a lot of blogs, and particularly with group blogs. Without editors to pass on whether a particular post topic is appropriate, bloggers tend to write about whatever they feel like writing about. Sometimes bloggers split up their work into two distinct blogs; for example, Stephen Bainbridge has his general blog and his wine blog. Analogously, we could split the VC into a "law and legal academia" blog and an "everything else" blog.