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If you don't believe me now, you will later when they're depressed over broken newzealand relationships, worried about sexually transmitted diseases, or in the same panic you are right now. When the Bible talks about sex outside marriage, it speaks in urgent newzealand tones: "Flee from sexual immorality!" (1 Cor. 6:18). And I'm speaking urgently, too, when I tell you, when I beg you, to get help now. There newzealand are plenty of people who would love to help you, but they can't do anything if you don't ask for their help. He's Got a Bad PastQ There's a guy in my youth group who has told me he likes me. He wants to ask me out. I like him, too, but I know he has a bad pasthe experimented with drugs and alcohol. As we've grown close, I've talked to him about the things he's done. He's really tried hard to conform to God's way. He claims to be a Christian and to have changed, but I don't know if he has truly changed. Should I trust him? A It's tough to say. People do change, and you always want to leave room for the wonderful things God can do in a person's life.