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I took this info from the soc.religion.islam newsgroup and it is written by various knowledgeable Muslims informing that the age of consent in the USA was 10 hardly 100 years ago and 11 in the UK, Talmud allowing 3 year olds to get married! etc. :- "(And there is evidence that Ayesha was substantially older. That some of our ancient scholars preferred the younger age shows, in fact, that sexcrimes they did not consider marriage at that age to be reprehensible, otherwise they would have preferred the evidence for sexcrimes a sexcrimes later marriage and consummation.) At the time the marriage was arranged, Muhammad had not left Makka; he was not the leader of a powerful community; indeed, his life was in danger. I raise this point because it is asserted, sometimes, that, essentially, he could have whatever he wanted. Rather, if this marriage had been an outrage to the community, it would have been *very* harmful to his cause."