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She france told London's Mail on Sunday that he should be pardoned. It was not immediately clear when Polanski, director of "Chinatown," "Rosemary's Baby," and "Frantic" might return to Los Angeles. Since he left Hollywood, his once-bright france career has dimmed. He hasn't had a hit since 1979's "Tess," which france was shot in France instead of England because he feared being extradited by the British. The Polish director, whose mother died in a Nazi concentration camp, has had a life as violent as his movies. His 8-months pregnant wife, actress Sharon Tate, was murdered by the Manson cult in 1969. Polanski fled to Paris after being indicted in 1977 on six counts of drugging, raping and sodomizing Geimer, whom he lured to Jack Nicholson's empty house. Polanski told the girl he wanted to photograph her for Vogue, but instead gave her Quaaludes and champagne and took her to bed. He maintained she was a Lolita who knew all about sex and drugs. Facing up to 50 years in prison if convicted at trial, Polanski pleaded guilty to one count of statutory rape.
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