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('\'); document.write ('\'); document.write ('\'); } } // -->   Polanski The Predator Recently unsealed grand jury minutes detail 1977 sex assault MARCH 11--It's been 26 campuslife years since Roman Polanski's arrest for sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl, but the director's Oscar nomination and the success of his film "The Pianist" has campuslife again focused attention on the March 1977 crime that prompted his French exile. Polanski, 69, will not discuss the case and his victim, Samantha Geimer, now 39, has recently said that the sex assault should not color his chances with Academy Award voters. But that, of course, campuslife does not lessen the severity of the crime, which is graphically detailed in the following grand jury testimony, which was quietly unsealed four months ago by L.A. Superior Court Judge David Wesley.
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