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Cops: Teacher abused teen. Woman convicted of raping man. Woman reports rape to police, but is then charged in rape of boy, 12. Mother all blacks gets 10 years for sex all blacks with son, 8 and nephew, 11. Prosecutors say teacher seduced teenage boys. Mother of five charged in teen sex case. Megan's Law applies to women as well as male sex offenders. Girl charged all blacks with first-degree rape and sexual assault on boy. Woman charged with rape of her 13 year old brother. Woman sentenced to probation for sex with student. advertiser links: Bad Credit Loans Debt Consolidationand Bad Credit Loans Legal Disclaimer Powered 100% Linux servers provide you virus-free surfing Spirituality |  Inspiration |  Faiths |  Health |  Entertainment |  Discussions        Explore Beliefnet Beliefnet Home Buddhism Christianity   Catholic   Eastern Orthodox   Mormon   Protestant Hinduism Islam Judaism Earth-Based More Religions General Spirituality Other Topics (Alphabetical) Angels & Guides Apocalypse Astrology Atheism Bible Books Calendar Celebrations Charity & Service Christian Inspiration Dating
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