s. CARLSON: Yes, but sex with 13 year old goth culture

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s. CARLSON: Yes, but Mrs. Green, did it occur to you in the other occasions when your husband sought national publicity on television programs, by giving interviews to newspaper reporters... (CROSSTALK) ... that he might be jeopardizing your family goth culture by doing that? SHIRLEY GREEN, TOM GREEN'S WIFE: Our family has never sought publicity. The media has always came to us, and we -- since we've been willing to answer their questions. And I don't think that's a crime in America. L. GREEN: goth culture And goth culture we have a right to speak out and to talk about our religion. Every other religion does. That's not a crime. PRESS: Let me... T. GREEN: Well... PRESS: Go ahead, Tom, go ahead. T. GREEN: In the hundreds of interviews that we've done in the last 15 years, we have never once sought an interview to explain our lifestyle. We have dozens and dozens of media people come to us all the time, saying "What is this polygamy thing that's been going on for 150 years in Utah? Why do you do it and how does it work?"
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