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My daughter is always perstering me to get her sugary, non-nutritive, breakfast cereal, when she should really have Cheerios. After that, I hope milf hunter maricel liquor is removed from the shelves, because once she is a teenager, she may want to drink while underage, and trying to stop that sounds like some difficult parenting. Posted by: Rock Steady on August 6, 2005 05:31 PM Post a comment Thanks for signing in, Now you can comment. (sign out) (If you haven't left a comment here before, you may need to be milf hunter maricel approved by the site owner before your comment will appear. Until milf hunter maricel then, it won't appear on the entry. Thanks for waiting.) URL: Remember me? YesNo Comments: TrackBack URL for this entry: Any links to weblogs that reference 'Perspective' from game girl advance will be listed here.
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