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They're less likely than men to condone sex inq7 before marriage, 54 to 68 percent. And 61 percent of sexually active women, compared with 50 percent of men, call themselves sexually traditional, not adventurous. In other personal predilections, men inq7 are twice as likely as women to sleep in the nude (31 percent of men, 14 percent of women), and women are much more likely inq7 to prefer to have sex with the lights off (51 percent of women, 27 percent of men). In the online realm, men are more than three times as likely as women to have looked at a sexually explicit Web site, and doing so spikes among men under 30. Relatively few — but 11 percent of young men — have participated in sex chat rooms. Women are much more likely to regard either of these activities as "being unfaithful." Sex and the Web Men Men Women Have visited sex Web site 52 % 34 10 Have participated in sex chat room 11 5 2 Think visiting sex Web site is cheating 25 42 Think participating in sex chat room is cheating 54 72 Continued1.   2.   3.   4.   NEXT»