This is no joke. home and school hollywood

kayla , scoop, herald on sunday, east mountains, campus life magazine, grade, university of new mexico, schizophrenia, oxcash , filtering, jasmine salim, hollywood, joebloe, dyke, government, parents, zeland, Andy Stitzer (Carell) lives a well ordered home and school life. He keeps to himself and maintains a steady routine that mainly includes work. His work is bland; he is a stock clerk at an electronics store. How this job affords him any creature comforts on his home and school own home and school is a question, but he does not own a car and lives in a clean but modest apartment. And, oh, yeah, he's a virgin at age 40. One day, the guys working at the electronics store reluctantly ask Andy to join them for a poker game. After Andy takes all their money (claiming to have learned the game on-line), the talk turns to sex (also something Andy could have learned about on-line). When Andy demonstrates his complete ignorance of sex, the guys draw out his secret: he's never had it. From that point forward, Andy's fellow workers decide to get him some action setting off a series of often very funny skits that come together well culminating in the moment of truth. Steve Carell is a talent. He was the funniest thing about the uneven "Anchorman," and his television show "The Office," while very dry, is smart and witty.
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This is no joke. Initially, the premise of "The 40 Year-Old Virgin" might seem ridiculous, but when you look underneath the vulgar veneer, you see the interesting truth underneath. And it is completely summed up hollywood in actor Steve Carell's innocent gaze. "The 40 Year-Old Virgin" is a funny film. Like this summer's hit "Wedding Crashers," it is crude in a hollywood very real, if sometimes exaggerated way. Many characters are indeed caricatures but given the intended direction the hollywood material takes, these odd embellished versions of people we know are excusable. And then there is a scene involving the painful removal of the star's chest hair that is so unbelievable that you just have to believe it. And you laugh while squirming in your seat.
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