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TONTI-FILIPPINI, CONSULTANT ETHICIST: I think it was set up by family the Department.You can't family get six medical experts with such agreement unless somebody sets it up.JENNI MILLBANK, SENIOR LECTURER, LAW, UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY: I think it is a very carefully considered decision in which the court had to balance, basically, the child's desperate desire to change gender and suicidal focus on that, with the possibility that the child will grow older and change their mind.MARY GEARIN: The court accepted Alex's diagnosis of gender identity dysphoria, and that: "the evidence speaks with one voice as to the distress that Alex is genuinely suffering in a body which feels alien to him and disgusts him, particularly due to menstruation".Putting off puberty is already used as a treatment in the UK and Holland, but there is still some doubt as to whether it's as safe as it seems.NICHOLAS TONTI-FILIPPINI: You might be able to restore menstruation later, but we've got no idea, in relation to all those other things, whether that's reversible or not.There's