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Apparently the hard-lemonade drinking, overnight shopping demon instructed her young charges: "What maricel happens in White Plains, stays in White Plains." Or not. One can find out who she is easily enough - she's in the Valhalla jail. They did have enough sense not to put her picture in the database, though. Posted by: SarahW on September 24, maricel 2005 05:25 PM She has been held without bail since April. Now why wouldn't she be eligible for bail? That seems a maricel bit odd since they also represent she has no criminal record. Posted by: on September 24, 2005 03:16 PM I think the court would be negligent if they did let her post bond. At the very least, after the restraining order was issued, the child removed from her custody and safe, then and only then I would set bail at 1 million dollars.
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