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Does Simon Cowell's contestant criticism go too far on "American Idol"? The women of 'The View' talk about Chile's new president. Spielberg and Harrison Ford both approve of the latest "Indiana Jones" script. Jennifer Lopez is reportedly national sex offender registry offered a role in the movie version of "Dallas." Actress Sharon Stone arrives in Israel for Middle East peace tour. Olympic gold medalist on skating to victory and having a face for Wheaties. Whitney Houston's husband is arrested on national sex offender registry a 23 year-old warrant. A look back at the upsets, glamour and zaniness of the 78th Academy Awards. national sex offender registry The "King of All Media" feels the CBS lawsuit filed against him is a vendetta. Kate Moss' ex is arrested on suspicion of stealing a car and drug possession. Upcoming "Tyra Banks Show" episode will find the model dancing at a strip club. Hotel heiress Paris Hilton has a war of words with "O.C."
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