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Gardner said the two sexoffenders were going out while he was also a minor, and never knew it sexoffenders was illegal to have sex with her when he turned 18. Minnesota Department of Corrections spokeswoman Liz McClung said Gardner was listed on the Florida registry because he had moved there at one point and Minnesota officials notified their Florida counterparts of his status in this state. Students presented their research to newspaper adviser Rachel Steil on Monday morning. She, in turn, turned it over to the Oak Park Heights police liaison officer in the school. Washington sexoffenders County sheriff's office investigators are looking into whether Gardner had illegal sexual contact with a student and into a report that an unidentified man posed as the imposter's supposed bodyguard, Cmdr. Scott Malinosky said. Malinosky said investigators have sent information to county prosecutors, who he said could consider charges of third-degree criminal sexual conduct and failing to register as a sex offender.