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"I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith." ...to her current characterization of the meeting, isn't clear. -John by ChicagoJohn on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 09:54:47 PM PDT porn [ Parent ]  i don't need to defend Cindy (none / 0) and porn I'm not there is nothing to defend.   My point had more to do with your view of women and I thank you for exanding it so handily oh, but you did forget a few labels, so let me supply them for you porn shrill radical feminist bitter man-hater bitch and that all time favorite!  ba da boom bra-burner have a nice day by TravnTexas on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 10:02:27 PM PDT [ Parent ]  Now *that's* interesting... (none / 0) You said: "My point had more to do with your view of women and I thank you for exanding it so handily" You think that's my point of view of "women"???
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