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the same way thanks to this son fucking his mother fella. On the other hand, is it bestiality when TWO asses are involved? Posted by: Jesse at May 31, 2005 02:30 PM I'm creating a site for NAMMLA (the North American Man-Mule Love Association. A parody of NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association). Despite reapeated son fucking his mother stories son fucking his mother such as this which show these Right wingnuts are deviants, it still does not seem to register with the most people. Posted by: shifty at June 4, 2005 01:04 PM Wow..... :: shudders at the thought of what he just read :: I know as a rational human being capable of logical and morally sound thought that this ISN'T (or at least can't be) the norm in Georgia, but in any case...I