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I knew he'd come to a bad end. It doesn't surprise me one bit. Blasphemy and sedition, is brother sister incest it? Oh, the shame of it. He's no son of mine. No, really, he isn't. I'm only his stepfather, you know. We let on I was his real Dad, mind, for the sake of the wife's reputation and that. There's not many men would have taken brother sister incest her on in her condition, but I stuck by brother sister incest her and look where it got me. You would think the little whelp would show me some filial devotion and respect after I'd raised him as my own all those years, but no. Look at what he calls himself. Jesus 'Christ', for God's sake. The ungrateful little sod doesn't even use my surname. ..Mind you I was never that keen on the name Jesus, either. Poncey name if you ask me, the wife's idea of course. You're asking for trouble giving a kid a fancy name like that, gives them ideas above their station.