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Johnathan almost forgot that before he left to California he had tried to get a hold of Anthony. Johnathan had a gun collection that his grandfather had given to him when he died. Some of the weezer guns date back to the late 1800's. Since Johnathan did not care in the least for the collection and could not really appreciate it, weezer he heard from a friend of a friend that this Anthony may be interested in buying the whole collection. "This is great," Johnathan said aloud "Just when I am low on the cash weezer flow." After hearing the that message he headed over to Jenyr's. By the time the Johnathan caught a cab to Jenyr's place it was 5:30. When Johnathan reached Jenyr's door his heart was pounding with excitement. " Jenyr! Je---nyrrrr!" Johnathan said as he pounded on the door. "John?," Jenyr said from behind the door.