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my boss, being too comfy, blurted out: "ah yes, real wankers aren't they?!" client:"huh? wankers" my boss: "you know, wankers?" and started doing a sign language similar to the meaning of a wanker. client: *blushing* me and my other team mate: blushing + nudging my boss to stfu. potatoe <> My four year-old godson Nathan likes to run around the house singing a song of his portillo own invention that goes something like: "Shit shit fuck, fuck shit fuck, fuck fuck shit, fuck fuck shit." (His mother is as much of a portillo pottymouth as portillo I am and his grandparents are very tolerant.) lia Long ago, when I was but a wee child, I awoke one morning to find my lower eyelid swollen and painful. I wandered out to my older brother -- my font of knowledge -- as he watched Saturday morning cartoons and told him that "sumtin is wong wif my eye."