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Stamford Theatre Works, Inc. Stamford, CT $12,000 To support a production college sports auctions of Flyin' West by Pearl Cleage. The company will present Flyin' West in celebration of Black History month. college sports auctions Ten Thousand Things Minneapolis, MN $9,000 To support the presentation and tour of Shakespeare's King Lear. The company will tour 16 performances of a highly physical production of college sports auctions King Lear to audiences in prisons, homeless shelters and adult education centers serving low-income people in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Theatre Development Fund, Inc. New York, NY $20,000 To support Interpreting for the Theatre, an intensive one-week institute for proficient sign language interpreters. The program is designed to improve the skills of certified interpreters who have experience in signing plays and musicals, and to maintain national standards of excellence in the field., men over 50 , sexual harassment, columbussingles
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