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For More Information Contact: Caren Briggs or call 617.724.2722 This is a resource radiotherapy for clinical investigators, sponsors, patients and others interested in advanced clinical research at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), the Brigham and Womens Hospital (BWH), and other radiotherapy Partners HealthCare System institutions. CRnet is produced by the Clinical Research Program and the Laboratory of Computer Science at Massachusetts General Hospital. For more information: Go to http://crnet.mgh.harvard.edu/home/home.asp The MGH Clinical Research Handbook has been revised and updated into an electronic radiotherapy format, available at: http://is.partners.org/crphandbook/ Provides a clinical laboratory and other support for medical scientists who conduct human subject research. The investigations include studies of normal and abnormal human physiology and studies of the cause, prevention, control and cure of diseases that afflict individuals of all ages, races and ethnic backgrounds.