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22 No. 2, 2000. Copy of article available at http://www.math.washington.edu/~koblitz/mikv.html [a small foundation that aims to encourage women in science and technology milf galleries xxx in developing countries through appropriate forms of support] Historical milf galleries xxx Perspectives on Women in Computing Betty Campbell, Editor, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 18(3), Fall 1996. http://www.computer.org/annals/an1996/a3toc.htm [goal of this special issue was to portray the history of women in the field of computing, their position in the field at the time of milf galleries xxx the article, and their influence on the development of computer science and thought] A. N. Lee. Looking Back column in October 1996 Computer, http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/50th/October.html [provides a historical perspective on Women in Computing] Women in Programming, http://www.okbu.edu/business/faculty/chanchey/women_in_programming.htm [This material was developed as part of an assignment for students in CIS 330 (Programming Languages) at Oklohoma Baptist University] Role Models and Mentors In planning for this section on role models, we issued a request to several mailing lists (systers, SIGCSE.members,
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