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Kentucky Opera Association Louisville, KY $10,000 To support a new co-production of Cendrillon by Jules Massenet. Two performances of this production, set in mid-20th century, will be held at Whitney Hall in the Kentucky Center for the Arts. Knoxville Opera Company Knoxville, TN moms for sex $10,000 To support the The Barber of Seville by Gioacchino Rossini and The Marriage of Figaro by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The operas will be performed as the centerpiece of the third Rossini Festival in Knoxville. Long moms for sex Beach Opera Long Beach, CA $10,000 To support a new production of Die Schweigsame moms for sex Frau (The Silent Woman) by Richard Strauss. Two performances of the opera will be held at the Carpenter Performing Arts Center in Long Beach. Lyric Opera Center for American Artists Chicago, IL $25,000 To support faculty costs for the singer training and professional development program.
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