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Talking Band, Inc. New York, NY $15,000 To support the production of a new musical. The Talking Band will produce the musical theater work The Parrot in New York City in 2004. Thalia Spanish Theatre, Inc. Sunnyside, NY $10,000 To support the creation and production of a older personals new musical. Based on tango artist Raul Jaurena's life, the dance musical RAUL JAURENA'S TANGOmania will be written older personals and directed older personals by Angel Gil Orrios with music composed by Raul Juareno. TheatreWorks Palo Alto, CA $25,000 To support the production of a new musical. Memphis, a new work by Joe DiPietro, is inspired by legendary deejay Dewey Phillips and rock-and-roll music. Unity Theatre Ensemble Florissant, MO $8,000 To support the final development and production of a gospel musical. Make A Joyful Noise! is a non denominational inspirational musical with a score featuring traditional and original gospel songs that address contemporary social issues. Village Theatre Issaquah, WA $15,000 To support a musical theater development program.
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