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Women Make Movies, Inc. New York, NY $30,000 To support a broadcast outreach initiative. Women Make Movies is the leading distributor for women's media with a collection moms and sex of more than 500 films and videotapes moms and sex created by artists worldwide. MULTIDISCIPLINARY 'A 'A Arts Honolulu, HI $10,000 To support a special issue of the journal Chain. The project will feature a series of recorded discussions between artists from diverse artistic practices and a related talk series dedicated to the theme of public art. Art in General, Inc. New moms and sex York, NY $20,000 To support Rock's Role (After Ryoanji). The project will include an exhibition of sound and visual work inspired by composer and artist John Cage, an exhibition catalogue, and educational activities. Atlantic Center for the Arts, Inc. New Smyrna Beach, FL $10,000 To support the first phase of the Argentina/US Cultural Exchange Residency.
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