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Tongue Culver City, CA $10,000 To support the creation and presentation of a new evening length work choreographed by Stephanie Gilliland. The work will include an aural landscape created by a milf sex pics sound designer. Trisha Brown Dance Company, Inc. milf sex pics New York, NY $60,000 To support the creation of a new work and presentation of early works by Trisha Brown. The new work will be a duet for Trisha Brown and Steve Paxton, and there will be an art exhibit exploring Trisha Brown's work with milf sex pics visual artists. University Musical Society Ann Arbor, MI $30,000 To support a multipart dance project Pop Collaborations. The project will feature residencies by Merce Cunningham Dance Company and by Lyon Opera Ballet choreographer Phillipe Decoufl. University of Arizona (on behalf of UA presents) Tucson, AZ $20,000 To support the presentation of African dance. Companies to be presented include Sello Pesa (South Africa), Compagnie Rary (Madagascar), and Compagnie Kongo Ba Teria (Burkina Faso).
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