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* Second stage services, such as housing, employment training, etc. * The development of children's services. The Coalition held a two-day conference titled "Building our Movement: Knowledge, milf anal movies Diversity, Strength." 1985 - 1987 WCAWA increased its membership and doubled its milf anal movies staff. 1986 WCAWA changed its name to the Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WCADV), in order to conform with the national trend. 1987 The CCRDA grant milf anal movies ended and the Coalition was again in financial crisis. 1989 Bonnie Brandl was hired as the WCADV Administrator. The 1990's 1991 DHFS provided funds for WCADV to undertake strategic planning. 1992 WCADV restructured; the Coalition moved away from its collective structure and hired Brandl as the first executive director. 1994 Brandl resigned; Mary Lauby was hired as executive director. WCADV had three staff. National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) was created. WCADV and WCASA worked with WI Department of Justice (DOJ) and WI Office of Justice Assistance (OJA) to develop the first plan for Wisconsin's implementation of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
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