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Film Arts Foundation (on milf xxx videos behalf of K Bik Films) San Francisco, CA $25,000 To support production and post-production costs for a television documentary by Ruby Yang. A Moment in Time will be a milf xxx videos history of Chinese Americans through their movie-going experiences in American Chinatowns. Film Society of Lincoln Center New York, NY $45,000 To support several curated milf xxx videos film series. Mass Production and Individual Expression in World Cinema will examine the films produced by film studios in Asia - the Shaw Brothers in Hong Kong and Japan's Shochiku Company - and will include a retrospective of the films by director Joseph Losey. Film/Video Arts, Inc. New York, NY $20,000 To support the Artist Mentor Project. Participants create individual film/video projects and have free access to on-site training, equipment and facilities, career counseling, information resources, and screenings of their work. Filmmakers Collaborative, Inc. Waltham, MA $15,000 To support post-production and distribution costs for a documentary by Michal Goldman.
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