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Dr. Chap Kusimba. African archaeology and ethnology: hunter-gatherers, complex societies, history of technology, Islam (Those interested should call to schedule an interview before submitting application). Dr. Robert D. Martin.Biological anthropology and primatology: phylogenetic reconstruction, allometric scaling, conservation biology Dr. John Terrell. Oceanic archaeology mother and son sex and ethnology Dr. Anne Underhill. East Asian archaeology and anthropology: development of complex societies, craft production, ceramic ethnoarchaeology. Dr. Alaka Wali. Circum-Caribbean and Central America, urban United States. Dr. Patrick Ryan Williams. mother and son sex Archaeological mother and son sex science: Andean archaeology and anthropology, complex societies, GIS & remote sensing. Botany Department Dr. Michael Dillon. Vascular plants: flowering plants; fragmented populations, conservation; Andes (summers spent in the field). Dr. John Engel. Bryology: spore-bearing plants, liverworts; taxonomy, biogeography; south temperate and subantarctic zone.
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