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$3,000 Scholarships and leadership training to 30 youth so that they can finish mother daughter sex stories high school and carry out their own community improvement initiatives. Vocational training for 35 youth in carpentry, electrical engineering, or nursing. Enrollment of 35 youth in a weekend schooling program so they can finish primary and secondary school. $3,000 To train women leaders of ISMU member organization mother daughter sex stories in word processing and database management. Training for mother daughter sex stories an additional 10 women leaders in labor rights, family violence prevention and child development in order to increase women's leadership capacity and ability to create effective community-based services and advocacy programs. $1,000 Communication and administrative costs for ISMU programs. 2. K'inal Antzetik, Mexico Meaning "Land of Women" in the Mayan language Tzeltal, K'inal Antzetik promotes gender equity, social justice democracy, and political and economic autonomy in Chiapas, Mexico.
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