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Michael Talbot Michael Talbott is the Preservation Manager at the Bay Area Video Coalition, the world's largest non-profit media arts center. This past fall he worked with the boys fucking their moms New Art Trust to establish the nation's first non-profit audio preservation program at BAVC's facility. Michael received his B.A. in Cinema Studies from San Francisco State University and was recently accepted to the M.A./Ph.D program in Cinema Studies at boys fucking their moms Tisch School of the Arts at NYU.   2005 IAG Playwriting/Original Solo Performance panel Hector Correa Hector Correa has worked with every major theater in the boys fucking their moms Bay Area including A.C.T., Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Marin Theatre Company, The Magic Theatre and The San Francisco Shakespeare Festival. Mr. Correa is also the Artistic Director of Pacific Alliance Stage Company where he has directed productions of Proof, Dancing at Lughnasa, Forever Plaid, Barefoot in the Park and A Perfect Ganesh.
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