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They were always working. Mack was lucky like that. Me and Johnny D. chopped down all these trees, like all the ones between these four big corner trees. Actually, dan savage Johnny D. cut most of em. I mean, he's like Mr.-fucking-America, like everybody in his fucking family. He's been like, six-two since he was two, like with dan savage that crew cut and like the football team just kind of watches while he basically annihilates the whole fucking game. So everybody acts like he's God. Anyway, we sawed these spikes then we dug holes and pounded the spikes in with this sledgehammer Mack ripped from the mall. Mack's kind of klepto but he gets really cool shit. The hammer weighed a shitload but you could like, get going and just pound those spikes in like shit. Mack got going so good he went fucking flying.