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leonardo decaprio he is a jerk and a putts ttrily@ix.netcom.com jimmy hill jimmy hill should burn in hell because he is a racist bastard.He's gay he's bent his head is paying the rent.he's a poof.So give him a slap for Scotland LISASTEWART@compuserve.com tinkiwinki Because he is a asshole from hell And he is a fucking dick head.And he is a big gay ass krispy kreme giving dounut. Carla Allison carla.allison@mail.rowan.k12.nc.us Billy Gate$ My computer is a good reason his father was a giving snowblower and his mother smelt of giving elderberries siczen@hotmail.com Barbie Because her compretials really suck and so does her self. magic_SAB@yahoo.com madonna she pussy got a gold whchong@pc.jaring.my Julian Lennon cause he's so fucking gay it's not funny. He sits around sucking his dick and fucking his cat all day, which stops him form actually singing WELL! If ever there was a wanker it would be him!