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Iraq War news and comment. by Eternal Hope on Sun Aug first 14, 2005 at 06:45:20 AM PDT [ Parent ] WTF (none / 1) "Mother" Sheehan? "She is not a person now"? Don't use his name? More "theatrically"? This is so ridiculous it was just front paged at LGF. Please, give me a first break. by Power on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 11:03:42 AM PDT Hey, here's a tip (1.25 / 4) I thought I'd throw in a few suggestions of my own, just to make her PR campaign come off as a first little less... you know... nutty. Stop camping in a ditch. It creates the impression that you are a hippy. Stop camping out in front of someone's house, begging for them to talk to you (again). It creates the impression, rightly or wrongly, that you are a stalker.