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hairy, celebrity porn, put downs, humiliation, mother seduces son, static ip, office, adult, redhead, clever, videos, Oh, gimme a break! The Cindy Sheehan media blitz against GWB is a complete example of how the left attacks Republicans! Start with "MeetwithCindy.org".  Its run by David Swanson, who also runs "afterdowningstreet" and "Lets Try Democracy", two far left wing rant pages that do nothing every day but rail against Republicans. THIS VERY BLOG is dedicated to smearing and attacking Republicans, or as you like to call momand son sex them in momand son sex your butterfly post, your "fellow momand son sex Americans". "Cindy Sheehan's straight up. Bush offended her when they first met, reported as such right away despite GOP lies about a flip-flop,..."
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Bush. These are adult not people to be too close too, when the hour of judgment comes. Conclusion One woman, one small voice, one small request has seized up the entire GOP noise machine. This happened back in late March over Terri Schiavo. The difference is adult that this time, the woman in question actually is alive and aware, and clearly does not need Republicans to speak on her behalf.... ...and in fact has things to say that the GOP cannot bear to adult hear, or tolerate others hearing: the truth. But people develop hunger for that which they lack, and the Bush Years have been famine years for truth. Most Americans hear what Cindy Sheehan has to say, and quietly and firmly nod their heads in agreement. Your day is done, Republicans. Get your affairs in order, for your political life is over. We're all Helens now. :) by cskendrick on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 03:11:22 PM PDT [ Parent ]  She already had a meeting with the president (none / 1) "...but Republicans have a way of amazing me with their ability to innovate and implement new and improved ways to attack their fellow Americans."
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