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Let the fucking commence!! More insanity ---> More good news: wikipedia.org | Turkmenistan Foreign companies seeking Turkmenistan's vast natural gas resources have had to cooperate with Niyazov since he also controls access to the natural resources. His "Ruhnama" book has been published by foreign industrialists in all major languages, including Croatian, Polish, Hungarian free beastiality pics and Bantu, free beastiality pics exactly for this free beastiality pics reason. Personality cult Niyazov is an authoritarian leader and is known for his massive personality cult. Believing Turkmenistan to be a nation devoid of a national identity, he has attempted to rebuild the country in his own image. He renamed the town of Krasnovodsk, on the Caspian Sea, Turkmenbashi after himself, in addition to renaming several schools, airports and even a meteorite after himself and his immediate family.
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