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I am absolutely, positively 100% sure that this guy will be waiting anxiously for your e-mails. He seems to have incest a lot of time on his hands, and he'll probably have sticky hands if you're a girl and incest you send him your picture. To send a message directly to Homoerotic Evgeny-- Press 8339. Edward Foster Click me and I'll get uglier!Edward Foster is a loser. God, what an understatement that is. I first noticed this idiot when he spammed my messageboard, trying to get people to come to his incest shitty page. Get this, though: Ed is 62 years-old and lives with his mother in a trailer. I'm not making this up. He claims he wants to rid the world of online idiots, but he himself is the biggest moron on the face of the earth. And he's also ugly. God, I can't stress enough how much of a loser this guy is. If you want to send a gay love letter directly to Edward-- Press 8340.