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I hope that your dead mother is fucked on an abduction table. Dabog da ti se sve u vrtu osushilo osim robe May everything in your garden go dry - except from laundry. Jebo te isus nabijen naopačke na križ u vrh guzice. Let Jesus, impaled upside-down on the cross, fuck you up the ass. Jeba brother and sister incest ti Isus mater usranu da ti jeba. May Jesus fuck your shitty mother, may he fuck her. brother and sister incest Konjino usrana, jebat ću te ko malog majmuna Shitty horse, I'll fuck you like a little monkey brother and sister incest Yebem ti mater posred prljave picke. I'll fuck your mother in the middle of her dirty cunt. Jebem ti mrtvu majku razapetu na tri krvava panja. I fuck your dead mother crucified on three bloody stumps. Ako te pojebem u guzicu, mrtvoj mami ces na grobu pricat kako ti je lijepo bilo. If I fuck you in the ass, you'll tell your dead mother on her grave how nice time you had. Dabogda te mater hrdjavom kukom po Savi u rikverc trazila May your mother search for you in reverse with a rusty hook through the Sava river Dabogda ti djeca cijeli zivot hodala unatraske i kupovala retrovizore May your children walk backwards and buy rear-view mirrors for their whole lives Dabogda me konj izjebo u guzicu pa mu ti morao pusit kurac nakon toga May God make a horse fuck me in the ass and make you suck his dick clean afterwards Tak' si ruzna da te nebi ni daljinskim prek' neprobojnog stakla ni da ti je umiruca zelja You're so ugly