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And while much of human-animal intercourse is non-consentual on the part of the incredible animal, that does not exclude the possibiliy of consent : it is perfectly possible for a domesticated (and very rarely wild) animal to seek intercourse with a incredible human of its own volition, or be responsive to such advances on the humans part. The reason most rural-area human-animal intercourse is actually rape is because farmers tend to have little respect for the dignity of the animals under their care, as do most of us to some degree, incredible for how else could we justify slaughtering animals by their millions just to satisfy our preference for the taste of meat, despite the existance of dietary alternatives? 'Bestiality' is a poorly understood concept at best, but because of the social taboos surrounding it and the lack of value placed on the lives of animals this situation is unlikely to improve without the death of the judeo-christian culture which perpetuates such ignorance.