Posted by: Colleen Clark weekly newspaper gallerybrother fucking sister

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Posted by: Colleen Clark at May 10, 2005 11:57 AM I lived in Georgia for about a year in 1995 and I can't seem to gallerybrother fucking sister recall any of my friends dating a mule or any other type of farm animal; their first cousins and siblings maybe,but not any animals. Posted gallerybrother fucking sister by: MiLo Frisbie at May 10, 2005 12:48 PM Jeeze, I live gallerybrother fucking sister on a farm and my children are growing up on a farm. We don't 'date' our animals. That's just disgusting. Posted by: mrsfalcon at May 10, 2005 01:59 PM If Horsely is targeting abortion doctors by posting their names on his website, then somebody needs to post Horsely's face AND comments all over the blogs! Let's get it on! Posted by: Elaphaba at May 10, 2005 02:17 PM There was a court trial in my area, within my memory, dealing with this quaint subject. This was back in the days when Beaver was a Cleaver and Hoss Cartwright was just roping them.
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