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Posted by: Keg at May 6, 2005 08:50 PM I think it was a nickname that must've stuck. Posted by: Dill at May women sucking big dicks 6, 2005 08:25 PM -------------------------------------------- I'm not totally women sucking big dicks sure, but I think that's his real name Dill. Posted by: Alishye at May 6, 2005 08:53 PM what is not said and is very very scary is that Horsley is a women sucking big dicks bottom Posted by: realitybasedbob at May 6, 2005 08:53 PM Click the picture of the church and hear the interview. There was NO mention of anything sexual regarding animals. Colmes took conservative caller after caller. Colmes gave this nut over 30 minutes on a national radio show. Most of which is a repition of the same arguement. What a crap radio show. Then again what should be expected from a guy who makes his living losing arguements with hannity.
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