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Don't tell me about how good and honest and brave you are. By your deeds we shall know you. We're all Helens now. :) by cskendrick on Sun Aug 14, 2005 at 05:46:44 AM PDT [ Parent ]  She's right here? Where? (none / 0) lesbian "She's right here. Go on and talk to her." If she's here, then didn't I just tell her??? "Don't tell me about how good and honest and brave you are." I never said that it was a brave thing. I said it was a mark of character. Speaking your lesbian mind isn't necessarily a lesbian measure of bravery.  Many a foolish person have been shot or fired doing such. But calling people out for being idiotic is, in my opinion, a mark of good character. By the way, I went to the diary you pointed me to... and it wasn't Cindy's. Now how did you get that wrong?
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