His melodramatic vision of and reviews of movies seattle

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His melodramatic vision of Manila’s gay nightclubs and the seattle undulating boy-bodies that populate their stages won fans among devotees of foreign fleshpots and aficionados of that rarity, the queer-tinged trash/exploitation flick. But the schmaltzy plot and overcooked acting made it hard to take the film very seriously. Attempts to read seattle Macho Dancer as late neorealism were problematic too, given Brocka’s drooling voyeurism in rendering an endless parade of naked male seattle flesh. Broca’s assistant, Mel Chionglo, has added two entries to this rickety roster: Midnight Dancers (1984) and Burlesk King. Midnight Dancers had a trashy power that kept it watchable. Burlesk King, despite a few surprisingly effective scenes, eventually sinks under the weight of its too-obvious softcore soap-opera impulses. Harry (Rodel Velayo) is a young Filipino-American from Olongapo, one of the country’s notorious American army bases.
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