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Gulf Oil company stock makes up a large part of the Scaife celebrities fortune. If one were to count not celebrities just Richard Scaife's personal holdings in Gulf, but also those of the various Scaife charitable entities, the total would probably rank as celebrities the second largest holding (after Paul Mellon) in the company. By the same rough yardstick, Scaife and Scaife family entities account for about 6 percent of the stock (all nonvoting) of First Boston Corporation, a major investment banking firm. Scaife was elected to the First Boston board last year. The Mellons and Scaifes as a whole hold about 13 percent of the First Boston stock, an investment second in size only to that of Financiere Credit Suisse. Scaife, with his money, his interest in politics and the media, and his long-held conservative views, quickly became a key New Right backer.
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